QRaGo's long-term goal is to revolutionize the organization and execution of patient transport. By using a B2B and B2C platform to lift the currently analog system of delegating patient transports into the age of digitalization, we allow all parties involved to benefit. We offer uncomplicated ordering by medical facilities, faster transport for patients and more efficient orders for patient transport companies. By networking the various parties on one platform, QRaGo makes it possible to significantly reduce the costs of patient transport in the healthcare system.
QRaGo primarily benefits patients by making needed transports less time-consuming for them. Control centers, ambulance companies and health insurers are major stakeholders in this platform. By choosing the right means of transport, QRaGo enables the health insurance company, through individual classification of the trips, to optimize and make resulting savings in the billing system. Control centers, transport and ambulance companies save time in the planning and execution of transports. The various providers of patient transports can better utilize their means of transport through intelligent route planning and significantly reduce the number of empty trips.